nearly 8 years after my first solo release owing to devoting all my
time to Ganja Force.
pointless to talk of individual tracks, you have no doubt already
absorbed their content at home, but for some the thought of defecation
in anything other than a chamber pot or suchlike is obviously too
much. I refer of course to the furore surrounding "Crapped
In A Jar", SLOI's closing track. There are those who would
have you believe that the song is a call to arms for scatologists
the world over, when in fact the opposite is the case. Around the
time of the band's formation, and in order to relieve the stress,
I decided a pet was the answer. Being the leader of a rock n roll
band a cat or a dog was just too obvious, as was an exotic pet,
for the same reason, so a hamster it was. A hamster cares not where
it defecates, and mine did indeed once crap in a jar. The point
being - I am NOT a hamster, I am Captain Moonproof. End of argument.